• Complete ophthalmic examination, diagnostic evaluation and treatment planning
• Full range of surgery, including eyelid surgery, corneal microsurgery and lens/cataract
• Medical and surgical treatment for entropion, cherry eye, tumors, corneal ulcers,
  dry eye, glaucoma, uveitis, cataracts, retinal disease, blindness, and more
• Comprehensive follow-up of medical and post-surgical care
• Canine genetic screening (ACES) eye examinations
• Informative communication with owners, hence keeping you involved with your pet's
  eye care
• Consistant communication with referring veterinarians, for a complete specialist care

What is a Veterinary Ophthalmologist?
An ophthalmologist specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions involving the eyes and associatedstructures.

A veterinary ophthalmologist may treat animals of any species.