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Welcome to the NZ Motorhome & Caravan Forum and Community

The NZ Motorhome Forum was started in August 2008 as a place where anyone interested in motorhomes, caravans or 5th wheelers could come to ask questions, exchange ideas, offer advice and generally "hang-out" with those with similar interests.

It doesn't matter whether you already own a vehicle or are still wanting to find out more before putting your toe in the water; whether you have a professionally built rig or have built (or are building) your own; whether you are full-time on the road or just grab a few days whenever you can; whether you are a member of the NZ Motor Caravan Association (NZMCA) or not: everyone is equally welcome on this site.

The Forum

The "Main Event" on this site will always be the Forum, accessed through the menu in the sidebar to the right.

Anyone at all can read what is on the Forum: but if you want to take part, by asking or answering questions or sharing your experience (or travelling experiences), or just giving your opinion on a topic, then you will need to register on the forum page. Membership is free. Be sure to read the Forum Guidelines: they set out a few rules that help to ensure the forum remains enjoyable for the majority.

There is a sub-forum whose access is limited to NZMCA members where matters relating only to that association may be discussed without privacy worries.


Useful links and downloads have been assembled in their own page and grouped into categories for your convenience. Links to members blogs are also found here.
