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About H1 Solutions 

  • Who are we

    An Outsourced H1 Assessment Service

    H1 Solutions is a specialist Energy Efficiency assessments consulting business whose purpose is to provide the New Zealand construction industry with cost effective outsourced assessment services that make compliance with clause H1 of the New Zealand Building Code simple and easy.

    The business also provides design services that recommend ideal Energy Efficiency solutions that optimises product and material selection.  This not only ensures compliance requirements are met, it also enables the designer to compliment the design intention and style of their clients knowing the design solution works.

    We are highly skilled, experienced and passionate about what we do and we take ownership of the process and responsibility for your designs being compliant.

    “In an industry where compliance is critical and good design is paramount, H1 Solutions does the complex work for you and allows you to get on with doing what you do best great buildings”