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Searching for a Website

In the searchbox above enter key words that you would like to find. You can use + and - to make sure words exist or do not exist in the results as well as quotes.
e.g. +rugby -league would search for the word 'Rugby' but not show any results with 'league'. +"Rugby" -league

Web Directories vs Search Engines

Both Web Directories and Search Engines have an important place to help you find the websites you are looking for. NZCity provides the best of both technologies with our two sites NZSearch Web Directory and SearchNZ Search Engine, two different tools for different purposes.

The NZSearch Web Directory is great for finding Kiwi websites where the topic you are looking for is likely to be the major part of the website. For example if you are looking for a website about rugby you can browse or search a web directory for the keyword rugby. Web Directories help provide a smaller set of information only showing complete websites. NZSearch only lets you search the descriptions and keywords that people have submitted.

The SearchNZ Search Engine comes into play when the information you are looking for may just be part of a website for example you might want to find out about Stewart Island, There are very few websites that are entirely devoted to Stewart Island but there are many that have single pages or sections that have information on Stewart Island. SearchNZ indexes all the pages on submitted websites and makes all the text available for you to search.
